Understanding The Essential Options for News Deals

Today newspapers pursue contacts and clicks at the expense of quality and content. The remuneration is tied to the quantity the number of visitors, the time spent on a site and not the quality. Starting with the title, on which eighty percent of the visits are played. The title, must be “stupid”, otherwise Google does not understand it! Here then is that, sometimes, we prefer to focus on sensationalist information to return a greater number of contacts. But a great deal of contacts does not automatically mean a loyal audience. On the contrary, quality content is often read by a smaller but more attentive audience. In the General news this is a very important matter.

What are the most novel elements in online information?

We must enter into the perspective that modern editing is widespread, free from a physical place and it is necessary to have in mind the mechanisms to keep it alive and the dangers that can be incurred, including fragmentation. However, the most substantial change is the fact that social networks cannot be ignored . Before the advent of social networks, there were no major differences between the online newspaper and the paper version. On the web there was a focus on current events, but the same news was found in depth the next day on printed paper. With the eruption of social media – first Facebook in 2004, then Youtube in 2005, followed by Twitter, people on the spot become involuntary correspondents, giving life to that form of journalism known as citizen journalism. The active participation of the readers, thanks to the interactivity of the new media, suggests the illusion of an alleged democratic horizontality and a greater exchange. In reality it has resulted in a degeneration of information”.

Has the timing of information changed too?

The newspapers are obliged to consume the news very quickly: the product is packaged and sold. Over the last decade, the web has eliminated production and distribution costs and increased the dissemination of information.

  • The point is, how to make journalism on the web profitable? Well, no way to make the news profitable yet.
  • As the subtitle of his book suggests, an important chance could be the so-called crossmediality.

When we talk about the vanguard of online journalism, many people cite “Snow Fall”, published in the New York Times by John Branch. With this report, which told of an avalanche in Tunnel Creek that swept away some well-known skiers, Branch won the Pulitzer Prize in 2013.

Snow Fall is much more and much more than an article

It combines text fragments of documentaries, 3D animations, photo galleries. It is a cross-media story, a digital storytelling product transversal to different media, an experiment of long form journalism. It is a collective work that involved eleven graphic artists and designers, a photographer, three video makers and a researcher.

What a Catholic Funeral Includes

A funeral is a solemn ritual that reflects the faith and traditions of the Catholic Church. It is a time to mourn the loss of a loved one, but also to celebrate their life and pray for the repose of their soul. Catholic funerals are rich in symbolism, prayers, & rituals, providing comfort to the bereaved and hope for eternal life. Check out this overview of what a Catholic memorial comprises, coming from the voted best budget catholic funeral services.

The Funeral Mass

It is the central and most important part of a Catholic funeral. Held in a Catholic church, this Mass is a celebration of the Eucharist and is offered for the repose of the soul of the deceased. The Funeral Mass typically includes several key components:

  • At the beginning of the Mass, the casket is brought into the church and sprinkled with holy water, symbolizing the deceased’s baptism. A pall, a white cloth, may be draped over the casket, representing the deceased’s baptismal garment.
  • The service continues with readings from the Bible, often including passages from the Old and New Testaments. A homily, or sermon, is delivered by the priest, offering words of comfort and hope based on the Scripture readings.
  • The Eucharistic celebration follows, during which the bread and wine are consecrated and offered as the Body and Blood of Christ. This part of the Mass is a prayer for the deceased, asking for their entry into eternal life.
  • The Mass concludes with the Final Commendation, where the priest offers prayers for the deceased’s soul and commends them to God’s mercy. Incense may be used to honor the body, and the casket is blessed one final time.

The Vigil Service

The Catholic funeral process often begins with a Vigil or Wake service, typically held the evening before the funeral Mass. This service is usually conducted at a funeral home, church, or the home of the deceased. The Vigil is a time for family and friends to gather, share memories, and offer prayers. It may include the recitation of the Rosary, Scripture readings, and reflections on the life of the deceased. The Vigil provides an opportunity for the community to offer support and comfort to the grieving family.

The Rite of Committal

After the Funeral Mass, the body is taken to its final resting place, which could be a cemetery or mausoleum. The Rite of Committal is the final part of the Catholic funeral, where prayers are offered at the graveside or the site of interment. The priest or deacon will lead the family in a final blessing, and the casket is lowered into the ground or placed in the mausoleum. This rite provides closure for the family, as they commit their loved one to the earth and to God’s care.


A Catholic funeral is a deeply spiritual and traditional ceremony that provides comfort, hope, and a sense of closure to those who mourn. It includes the Vigil service, the Funeral Mass, and the Rite of Committal, each playing a vital role in honoring the deceased and praying for their eternal peace. These rituals reflect the Catholic belief in the resurrection and the hope of eternal life, offering solace to the bereaved during a difficult time.

The polarization encouraged far-right forces to riot in the midterm elections

Think continues working in the documentation for his next project, which will be related to the polarization of American society and the resurgence of anfar-right mentality. This new phenomenon is also spreading to other countries of the world. All the information is being achieved by talking with the protagonists of the news and experts who independently share their vision.

One of the most difficult and complex chapters to be portrayed objectively, was the incident of January 6, 2021, when the White House was stormed by far-right Trump supporters, such as the Proud Boys, which are being called to testify.

Members of the House Freedom Caucus helped plan Trump’s attempt to overturn the election.  They attended a meeting at the White House on Dec. 21, 2020 in which, at least, 11 lawmakers discussed efforts to spill the election resultsand helped spread false information, according to testimony and records obtained by the committee.

And one of the groups that drove this effort is the Falun Gong sect, related with The Epoch Times.Falun Gong, a religious movement embroiled in a decades-long conflict with the Chinese government, has become a political asset in the Trump era due to its long-standing propagation of communist conspiracy theories.

At the time, reputable media such as The New York Times has reported that The Epoch Times used fake accounts to campaign for Trump during the 2016 election through its company Beautiful Life. Moreover, after they spent about $11 million on Facebook ads in 2019, the platform banned them for violating rules on political advertising transparency.

In April, at the height of its ad spending, videos from Epoch Media Group counted about 3 billion views on Facebook, YouTube and Twitter, ranking 11th among all video creators across all platforms and outpacing all other traditional news publishers, according to data from social media analytics firm Tubular.

This engagement made The Epoch Times one of the favorites for the Trump family and a key component of the president’s re-election campaign. According to the Washington Post, reporters at The Epoch Times have received special access from the Trump administration: One America News and The Epoch Times were among the only media outlets with access to Georgia’s voting audience in the 2020 election.

Once thevote counts were published, the website questioned the legitimacy of the 2020 election (neither journalists nor Trump’s legal team have uncovered credible evidence of widespread voter fraud). They also peddle a number of conspiracy theories as the one they supported in 2018 with the“full rundown” of Spygatethat claims an Obama’s administration spy attempted to thwart Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign.

There was great concern in The Epoch Times when Biden finally won the 2020 election. At the same time, to avoid trouble with Democrats over their earlier smear campaign against President Biden, Epoch Times executives decided at one point that they should keep a low profile internally and “drop the close relationship with Trump.”

The truth is, however, that January 6, 2021 gave the Epoch Times another chance.

Angelo Carusone, president and CEO of Media Matters for America, said that by exploiting the deep partisan polarization in U.S. politics and the long anti-Communist tradition of the American right, these media outlets, led by Epoch Times, have sought to link Biden and the Democratic Party to radical left-wing movements like Antifa.

Epoch Times pointed to a strong contender in the Democratic Party,an opportunistic rehash of existing conspiracy narratives – was characteristic of these outlets. “They’re not drivers, they’re not weaving new conspiracy theories, they’re amplifying what’s already out there,” Carusone said.

While the Proud Boys and QAnon have been punished by law, the Epoch Times remains at large. With the 2022 midterm elections in full swing, Carusone said, the intensification of conspiratorial messages in the Epoch Times’ output and its embrace of Trumpism could make them even more damaging to the United States.

Despite being banned from Facebook and unable to place many ads on the platform, The Epoch Times did not give up on other platforms and actively published hundreds of articles about the midterm elections on its website, including dozens of articles about Trump’s “high” approval rating (regardless of the actual situation).

In fact, in addition to obfuscating the midterm elections to attract Republicans for patronage, The Epoch Times and Falun Gong behind it appear to be undermining the American situation in even more egregious ways by opposing abortion and condemning homosexuality and feminism.

Media Contact:

Ángel Tapia

Hello Think


Successful Entrepreneur Kevin Mulleady Explains Entrepreneurship Trends for 2023

Kevin Mulleady - Successful Entrepreneur Kevin Mulleady Explains Entrepreneurship Trends for 2023

Kevin Mulleady knows the importance of looking ahead and staying abreast of industry developments to stay a step ahead of the competition. He offers insight into entrepreneurship trends that will likely affect how entrepreneurs do business in the coming years.

Digital nomadism is a prevalent trend that will likely remain in place for the foreseeable future, Mulleady notes. It wasn’t too long ago, he points out, that entrepreneurs strove to move into their own brick-and-mortar locations. Having a building with the company name on it was seen as a sign of moving ahead in the world, while working from home was seen as a mere stepping stone to the ultimate goal. However, as internet commerce became more prevalent, the idea of setting up a physical business office lost some of its allure, and it appears that COVID-19 has taken the wind out of this trend for good. Many realized that running a business from home is not only convenient but can also save a lot of time and money. What’s more, most employees prefer to work from anyway. A remote work setup benefits everyone involved, even consumers, as low overhead expenses can translate into low product/service costs.

The digital nomadism trend couples with the trend towards international cooperation and networking. In times past, an entrepreneur would have been limited to choosing business partners and suppliers in his or her immediate area. However, a growing trend toward globalization has drastically impacted entrepreneurship, Kevin Mulleady explains. An entrepreneur can easily connect with partners and suppliers worldwide; indeed, many are naturally inclined to do so as entrepreneurs are frequently first- or second-generation immigrants who are aware of international trends. The ability to choose partners from literally anywhere in the world has opened multiple opportunities for entrepreneurs to reach an international audience. This, in turn, has enabled entrepreneurs to target niche audiences, which is yet another trend that will likely remain in place long-term. 

As Kevin Mulleady points out, it is no secret that a growing number of consumers are looking for authentic business relationships that meet their needs. The day of mass-producing goods is long gone; instead, companies that specialize in meeting a consumer’s exact needs and preferences will be the ones most likely to succeed now and in the future. Globalization has enabled companies to successfully find and serve niche demographics as a business no longer needs to have a large customer base in the same city or state to be successful.

Kevin Mulleady says there are two more important trends that entrepreneurs should take note of; these are mobile and social commerce. Recent statistics show that most people check their phones about once every ten minutes, a trend that entrepreneurs can cash in on by creating an app that offers discounts, freebies, and valuable information to keep consumers informed and engaged. When effective mobile marketing is coupled with a mobile-friendly site, the results can propel a business to long-term success as a whopping 27% of the world’s population shops online, which is growing year on year. Social commerce is likewise imperative to success, Mulleady explains, as nearly one-third of online shoppers buy goods online. Facebook is currently the leading social platform for sales, but other social media outlets are looking for ways to get in on the trend, thus providing savvy entrepreneurs with multiple channels for selling goods/services to interested consumers.

As Kevin Mulleady has learned firsthand, willingness to adapt and change is key to success. He encourages entrepreneurs to stay abreast of entrepreneurship trends to generate ideas for new products/services, discover new niche audiences, and lower operating costs to maximize profits. The trends he outlined above aren’t the only ones that are currently affecting current and would-be entrepreneurs, but they are the most important ones as they will have a significant impact on new business owners long-term, and they apply to entrepreneurs in just about every single industry and geographic location. Those who want to build a successful business would do well to consider these trends and see which ones can be leveraged to build a business that will stand the test of time.

Opsgility is a premier provider of Microsoft Cloud training with a distinct focus on Microsoft Azure, Microsoft 365, Power Platform, and Dynamics 365. Its unwavering dedication to delivering top-tier content and comprehensive Microsoft Azure Training empowers enterprises with the skills to excel in today’s digital environment. By incorporating Opsgility’s services into your learning strategy, your enterprise can guarantee smooth and efficient cloud operations for your business.

The top 6 hairstyling courses in Dubai

Get the best hairstyling classes in Dubai! Hairdressing and styling abilities, as well as a working knowledge of makeup artistry, can help you advance personally and professionally in intriguing ways.

The ability to style and improve the appearance of one’s own or other people’s hair is a valuable life skill. Developing your hairstyling talents can help you advance in your profession if you already have makeup skills under your belt.

One of the most intriguing and popular fashion industries nowadays is hair styling. In Dubai, you will find a wide range of well-liked hairdressing programs and institutions.

People from various nations contribute to the UAE’s distinct sense of fashion and style due to its metropolitan environment. A sense of style and inventiveness are necessary for the professions of hair styling, hairdressing, cutting, and extension. To perform at your best and draw in more clients while assisting them in looking sophisticated and attractive, you must be knowledgeable of current hairstyle trends and styles that are popular nowadays.

To keep you current and in line with the most recent trends and techniques in hair care and styling, many reputable hair and beauty colleges and academies in Dubai are offering a wide range of hair styling and barbering, cutting, and dressing training courses. You’ll be able to express your creativity and sense of style at a higher level thanks to these courses.

  1. professional associate’s hair course

This comprehensive program covers everything, including salon services, equipment, and its applications, information on skin and hair layers, diseases, health laws, hair curling, blow-drying, cleaning supplies, and much more.

  • Haircare Fundamentals

In this hair course, you’ll learn the fundamentals of hair cutting as well as the newest methods and fashions.

  • hair level1

This level one certificate program in hairstyling covers all the fundamental procedures and methods.

  • blow-dry and styling course

This course will teach you how to work with various hair lengths while helping you develop your confidence and master a variety of blow-drying techniques.

  • hairdressing diploma

This course will teach you the fundamentals and skills of hairdressing. This 18-week full-diploma course (City & Guilds) covers a wide range of crucial subjects.

  • Full Basic hairstyling

After passing the final exam, students are eligible to get an international certificate or diploma where there will be instructions on various hairstyles. It features evening, European, Indian, Arabic, long and short haircuts, among many more varieties.

Finding a hair stylist course in Dubai that is both economical and ensures a bright future for your profession in cosmetics and hair styling is simple.

Benefits of hiring a professional bond cleaner

Do you still have reservations about hiring a professional to handle your move-out cleaning or your bond cleaning? We are going to inform you of some of the benefits that come with employing a professional bond cleaning service.

Expert businesses are well-versed in modern cleaning approaches, cutting-edge products, and skilled direction, all of which might make your work a little bit easier to carry out. Today, we will discuss the most important advantages of working with experienced and qualified bond cleaners to handle the end-of-lease cleaning at your property. Because of this, you will be inspired to make the proper choice fast and easily contact the top bond specialist cleaners in your location.

Employ a Qualified and Experienced Team of Bond Cleaners

If you require an absolute bond cleaning or an end of lease cleaning service, you will need to choose the most reliable cleaning company that has expertise in idle cleaning and a company that can aid you with all standards. If you require either of these services, you will need to opt for an end of lease cleaning service or a bond cleaning service. The methods of cleaning utilised by committed professionals have the potential to fulfil any and all of your particular cleaning requirements.

They are able to provide you with a comprehensive sanitization and cleaning service, which includes cleaning the void, removing dust, washing the floor, and removing filth from the furniture and movables, in addition to all of the other areas of the premises. To sterilise your kitchen and bathroom, they will utilise cleaning chemicals that are environmentally friendly and decomposable. When cleaning a home, end of lease cleaning services utilise cutting-edge cleaning tools together with high-quality and risk-free cleaning solutions.

Helps to save both time and effort

Your complete lease premises will be polished and sanitised in a short amount of time thanks to the competent and experienced personnel that clean them. They organised the entire cleaning process with the goal of assisting you in reducing the amount of time and effort required. You won’t need to include all of the essentials for cleaning because professionals are familiar with the procedures and practices that are required to clean a property effectively. They make sure that your house is dressed in the most efficient manner possible. They will arrive at the time of your appointment in order to clean your property within the allotted amount of time.

The Benefits of Working with a Professional Cleaning Service

When cleaning a client’s property, a reputable cleaning business will take responsibility for their well-being as well as the cleanliness of the property. Because of this, they employ cleaning products that are safe for the environment, biodegradable, and have the ability to remove stains and mould.

Helps Save Money

Utilizing services of the highest quality almost always results in financial gain. By hiring a professional to complete the task for you, you can save money that you would have spent on costly cleaning products and equipment, such as electric floor cleaners, vacuum cleaners, and so on. You will be able to get regular discount updates from the company, along with new features for bond cleaning services.

Daniel Pugel on the Joy of Supporting Jesuit Education in Seattle

Seattle Prep Is Uniquely Able to Help Every Student Succeed, Daniel Pugel Says

Retired financial advisor and supporter of good causes Daniel Pugel contributes to several charities in western Washington, but he is especially impressed with the return on his giving to Seattle Prep. The difference Seattle Prep makes in educational outcomes for its students has a lot to do with The Learning Resource Center, Daniel Pugel says.

What Is Seattle Prep?

The Seattle Preparatory School is a Jesuit institution that has been offering coed education since 1891. Cofounders Father Victor Garrand, SJ, and Father Adrian Sweere, SJ, launched the new school with great hope for the future. 

“Our students are the children of adventurers from all over the world,” Father Victor said. “Not even ancient Rome served a greater diversity of students than this.”

From its earliest days, Seattle Prep expected students to master the traditional Jesuit curriculum following the Ratio Studiorum, a rigorous progression of studies established by the Society of Jesus in the late 1500s that included Latin, Greek, science, math, literature, and religion.

Even today, Seattle Prep nurtures the ability of its students to analyze, reflect, and grapple with ideas. Instruction at Seattle Prep isn’t all about learning facts. It teaches its students to see the interconnections between ideas so they will leave the school ready to provide leadership in their city, state, and country.

For Daniel Pugel, The Learning Resource Center Is Where Seattle Prep’s Mission Comes Alive

Hidden in the corner of the top floor of McDonnell Hall is The Learning Resource Center, where, Daniel Pugel says, the mission of Seattle Prep comes alive every day.

The Learning Resource Center provides a safe space for learning for students diagnosed with learning disabilities. “Sacred, loving, and supportive of growth describe what happens there,” Pugel says.

In the 1990s, school psychologist Regina Melonson started The Learning Resource Center as a place to help 12 students study for their high school entrance exams. Nowadays, The Learning Center exists as a place for students who need extra help to begin boosting their abilities to learn in eighth grade and continues to provide that extra help through their senior year.

Student Outcomes That Reward Daniel Pugel’s Gift Many Times Over

Regina Melonson is still with The Learning Resource Center, which now helps 145 students, not just 12. She leads a team of dedicated educators who treat their learners with respect and care while constantly raising the bar to keep them challenged.

The Learning Resource Center has many success stories.

Natalie Wong ’14, for example, went on to earn a degree in psychology at Loyola University in Chicago. She says, “The teachers at The Learning Resource Center inspired me. They do so much and ask nothing in return. They are a model for what I want to become in my professional life.”

Alex Smith ’15 credits The Learning Center with his success in college. “I was always afraid to speak up in class,” Alex says, “but the teachers at The Learning Resource Center taught me that it is OK to ask for help to succeed.”

Daniel Pugel supports many charities besides Seattle Prep. But the success stories coming from Seattle’s only Jesuit high school inspired him to give even more.

Best licensed Money lender in Philippines


Credit risk is the risk of loss as a result of the borrower’s failure to repay the loan or meet the contractual obligations.  Traditionally, this indicates the risk that the lender may not receive outstanding principal and interest, resulting in disruption of cash flow and increased recovery costs. If you are looking for Best licensed Money lender in Philippines, let’s know more!

Risk of Unsecured Personal Loans

1. Interest rate

Just because you’re eligible for a personal loan doesn’t mean you have to take it out.  Some personal loans come with low-interest rates of up to 10%, while others can be up to three or four times higher.  The interest rate on these loans depends on your credit score, but lenders can charge whatever they want, provided the rate is subject to certain rules.

2. Penalty for early payment

Are you allowed early repayment of the loan or is there a penalty or fee for doing so?  Depending on what type of personal loan you get; from a bank, through a peer-to-peer (P2P) loan, or in some other way – some lenders will repay you more than others.  Allow fast.  More favorable style.  If early payment is important to you (and should be), read the fine print carefully to make sure no penalties are involved.

3. Large fee advance

How much will it cost you to get a loan in your bank account?  Like mortgages, the start-up fees for loans can vary widely.  You want to make sure that any advance fees you pay are reasonable and up to market level.  There are many providers with different terms, so don’t feel that you have to take the first loan for which you have been approved.

4. Privacy concerns

Bank and credit union loans will come with strict privacy rules, but other options may be significantly less formal.  While all lenders should respect the privacy laws required by banks, some do not.

   5. Insurance Pitch

Some personal loans will come with a sales pitch for additional insurance to protect the loan if “unforeseen life events” stand in the way of your ability to pay.  If you want insurance for this purpose, call your trusted agent and get a quote on general disability insurance.  It’s probably cheaper and has better coverage.


You can use this open-end loan for any purpose.  You could pay for an interest-bearing credit card, pay for adoption, or pay for other expenses for which you lack the funds you need.

What is Conversion Rate?

Have you people ever noticed the markup of campaigns for the publicity and promotion plus advertising and growth of a certain product, app, or other commodities on a mobile advertising platform such as Instagram clicking on which takes you to a page to get signed in and register if interested? This exact approach of mobile advertising can implement various measures of publicizing an event. From here on, conversion rate plays the role. How? Read on to figure out.

Conversion Rate

The percentage of the users who have accomplished a desired action of an event(for instance a click by a user is counted as unit over a certain ad) presentedby a website or app or any social media channels is known as conversion rate.

Conversion rate is calculated by dividing the number of users who completed a desired task by the mass number of entire audience to which the action or event is presented on the platform.

For instance; there is an advertisement campaign executed by an advertiser or owner of the event where,

No. of users = 700

Total audience = 9000

Conversion Rate = 700/9000 = 0.07

This implies that there was the conversion rate of 7% in this event publicising.

Conversion Rate Optimization is another co-related term in this advertisement practice that we will discuss later in the article.

When conversion rate is determined of an event through respective channels, they prominently help to indicate the success or failure of that campaign. Since it demonstrates the number of users who proactively participated out of the entire scale of viewers or audience, it helps to improvise the areas that need to be focused on for further improvement through innovative ideas to influence the conversion rate. ROI expectations are also set through conversion rate approach.

Furthermore, conversion rate can also be referred to as the percentage of users who went on Appstore to install a rendered app and ran in-app action at a moment. How does this benefit? Well, the owners or the advertisers can assess the performance of their app events to evaluate the measures that the elements of the site or app need to be engrossed upon.

Conversion rate analysis can reveal which channels are most effective for promoting a particular app, helping an advertiser to determine the effectiveness of their copy and use it to guide strategic decisions. If your data shows that a conversion rate is lower than expected, they can also be used to spot issues with an app’s UX that is when the users face inconvenience logging is or signing up to new accounts.

What is Conversion Rate Optimization?

Conversion rate optimization is the methods to increase the conversion rate of a particular scenario or event such as a hosted application or website by enabling ideas and techniques to improve and work on the elements of the event.


Adjust offers several solutions to help businesses measure and compare campaign conversion rates effectively. advertisers and marketers to identify where conversions come from, sending conversion data to either Adjust’s dashboard or a custom alternative for future measurement.

Conversion rates are therefore important and necessitated to direct the attention to the areas of potential improvement that could eventually increase the conversion rates in the mobile user acquisition of several advertisement campaigns on social handles and app initialization procedures on Appstore.

It enables better results and updates of the previously rendered app services or a campaign/event on a website.

What are the benefits of olive oil?

Olive oil is the organic fluid of the olives plant’s berry. If you are well-being, extra virgin olive oil has become a go-to cooking oil. The low risk of cardiovascular disease in persons who consume a Mediterranean diet, of which olive oil is a fundamental component, demonstrates some of its numerous health advantages. Daily consumption of olive oil may also aid in weight management, blood sugar control, depression relief, cognitive function maintenance, and protection against chronic illnesses.

Antioxidants are present

It contains trace amounts of vitamins E and K, in addition to the beneficial fatty acids. Olive oil, on the other hand, is abundant in antioxidants. Those vitamins are biologically active or might reduce your risk of acquiring medical conditions. They also help to protect your blood cholesterol from oxidation and fight inflammation, which may lower your risk of heart disease. Olive Oil is an effective Moisturiser also.

How much olive oil do you use every day?

As a general rule of thumb, one to two tablespoons of olive oil each day is sufficient. This applies to both olive oils consumed for health advantages and olive oil consumed with food as part of your usual cooking procedure. While there is no set maximum limit for how much olive oil is unhealthy for you, many individuals find that eating or drinking too much oil can make them feel nauseated. Oils are also rather heavy in calories, which is why you should consume them in moderation.

Olive Oil’s Wellness Perks

Those who are sleep-deprived may benefit from the therapeutic properties of excellent olive oil. What can a quarter cup of olive oil do to help you sleep? In one of several methods, olive oil can help you fall asleep and sleep better. First, using excellent olive oil as a sleep treatment might help you relax by lowering daily inflammation, which can be a source of anxiety. If you work all day or even just go to the gym, you may be feeling some type of pain.

Syndrome of Metabolic Syndrome

Metabolic syndrome is a set of risk factors that raise illness risks, such as obesity, high blood pressure, and high blood sugar levels. According to one study, olive oil with a Mediterranean diet may alleviate metabolic syndrome symptoms such as inflammation, blood sugar, triglycerides, low-density lipoprotein, or bad cholesterol. It appears to boost levels of high-density lipoprotein, or good cholesterol, in contrast.

It also has the lowest risk among some cancers

While no diet is a cure-all for cancer, olive oil consumption may be one of the reasons cancer rates are lower in Mediterranean nations. According to a study, extra virgin olive oil causes changes in gut flora that are linked to the prevention of colorectal cancer; and prior research has indicated that women who consume the most olive oil had a decreased risk of intestine cancer and breast cancer.


Moreover, it has been demonstrated that heating vegetables with extra virgin olive oil increase the accessibility of plant phenolic acids to the body. The Moroccan diet’s advantages cannot be described without including olive oil. This entirely natural product, derived from one of the earliest plants cultivated by mankind, has been demonstrated to be one of the healthiest, most beneficial foods on our planet.

Financial Planner Darcy Bergen Discusses Six Easy Ways to Start Saving Money

Financial planner Darcy Bergen recently discussed six easy ways to start saving money.

Saving money isn’t something that comes naturally to everyone. It involves immense amounts of self-discipline and can feel nearly impossible when the bills never stop rolling in. Financial planner Darcy Bergen recently discussed his top six easy ways to start saving money.

“Saving money is a major challenge for many people,” Darcy Bergen said. “Arguably, the hardest part is just getting started. From there, saving requires discipline at a bit of work to get your finances organized and keep them there.”

Darcy Bergen explained that recording your expenses is the first step to saving. This is so you know how much you spend each day, week, and month. Recording your expenses includes spending as small as a cup of coffee or a tip.

Bergen’s next tip is the next step in the saving process. He suggested creating a firm budget. This needs a budget to which you can adhere month after month. Understanding your spending and your budget will help you understand where you need to cut spending. 

“My third tip, and probably the one nobody wants to hear, is that it’s time to cut spending,” Darcy Bergen said. “You now understand where you’re spending and where your budget needs to be. Now, it’s time to cut out the areas of spending that are unnecessary. For many, this includes online subscriptions, entertainment, and non-essential purchases.”

Another essential tip in the money-saving process is to set clear savings goals. These may be long-term goals, like a down payment for a house or a child’s education. They may also be short-term goals, like saving for a new vehicle or simply building up your savings account. It’s important to set goals, no matter how large or small they may be. 

Darcy Bergen suggested creating an automatic saving system. This leaves you less room for error. He recommended automatically sending a portion of your paycheck into a savings account. This helps reduce the temptation you may have to spend a portion of your paycheck on something frivolous. 

“Setting up automatic transfers between bank accounts is easy with most banks,” Darcy Bergen explained. “However, a financial planner can also help with these details if you’re struggling.”

Bergen explained that his sixth and arguably most important tip is to work with a qualified financial planner. A financial planner works with you to create a budget that is possible to maintain while helping you build your savings account. Many times, a financial planner will help you discover areas for possible savings you wouldn’t have noticed yourself.

“The goal of a financial planner is to help you save as much as possible,” Darcy Bergen stated. “For many individuals, the financial planner can even help you build on your savings through investment opportunities. However, it doesn’t matter if you have zero savings at all or would like to build on the savings you already have — a financial planner can guide you in the right direction.”

Darcy Bergen currently runs Bergen Financial. He is an expert in helping individuals create savings, and specializes in planning for retirement. He highly suggests contacting a certified financial planner to help you turn your paychecks into savings. 

Investment advisory and financial planning services offered through Simplicity Wealth, LLC, a Registered Investment Advisor. Sub-advisory services are provided by Advisory Alpha, LLC, a Registered Investment Advisor. Insurance, Consulting and Education services offered through Bergen Financial Group. Bergen Financial Group is a separate and unaffiliated entity from Simplicity Wealth and Advisory Alpha.